Legal notice (Impressum)
The party responsible for content, as per Sec. 55 of the German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RfStV) and Sec. 5 of the German Tele-Media Act (TMG) is Mario Gottmeier.
creative pool distribution GmbH
Höhenweg 14
86391 Stadtbergen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)821 810 453-61 (Mon., Wed., Fri.: 9 a.m.–1 p.m., closed on holidays)
Fax: +49 (0)821 810 453-11
Managing Director: Mario Gottmeier
Local Court of Augsburg, HRB 20230
VAT ID number, as per Sec. 27a of the German VAT Act (UStG): DE813898042
Alternative Dispute Resolution in accordance with Art. 14 (1) ODR-VO and § 36 VSBG:
The European Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform:
Special thanks to:
- Our photographers Jan Bürgermeister, Angela Trawöger, Toni Moosbrugger, Manuela Lagger, Jakob Hochhäuser
- Our models, Elisa, Sabine, Jenny, Matteo, Riccardo, Zick, Jack, Eli
- Anne Brecheisen for speech translation of the “How to Wear” video
- Our sales force: Jack Lagger, Georg Erhardt, Nils Luks, Paul Obertreis, David Obertreis, Maja Zagorac, Jennifer Lagger, Fabian Lauber, Stefanie Mais , Andreas März, Katha Buchberger, Richard Sedlar, Nicole Reimer, Julia Reiber, Antonio Emilio, Oliver Mainka, Stefan Reinsch, Simone König, Daniel Herold, Christoph Bigus, Johanna Kneissl
- The Web programming company Pyter Media
- Pam Smits, creator of the “How-to-Wear” Video
- Sutton and her company for the “Lifestyle Meets Extreme Sports” video
- All of our retailers, especially to Bürobedarf Werner, trekking König, outdoor packs
- Jayden, Jasen, our factory workers for their devotion
- Our lawyer Wolfgang Hermann
- Our tax consultant Harald Steiner
- Our bankers Heinrich Ressle & Jörg Kriebel
- Our IT consultant Karsten Brockmann
- Our parents, who supported us wherever they could