Terms of use
The content of the X-over website has been developed carefully. Special attention was paid to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up to date. Still, errors may occur. We are not liable for the information provided being up to date, accurate, or complete.
The content and structure of the X-over website are protected under copyright. All rights reserved. In particular, information and/or data (text, images, graphics, audio, video, or animation files) on the X-over website must not be used in any form whatsoever, even in excerpt form, without the prior written consent of X-over. Links to the X-over website are permitted only if they link to the main page at x-over-store.com (no deep links) and if they do not infringe any rights of X-over, particularly copyright, related rights, or trademark rights.
Hyperlinks and links to websites
If you use certain links on the X-over website, you may leave the X-over information service. X-over is not liable for the accuracy, specificity, reliability, or completeness of information presented on websites to which the site links and expressly disclaims any and all liability for any errors or omissions contained therein. A hyperlink to another website should be viewed as a form of assistance only and does not imply that X-over endorses or approves of the website or the products or services described therein.